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There are two types of QR Codes, Static and Dynamic. Of these two, only Dynamic QR Codes are editable. Dynamic QR Codes offer flexibility in updating the content of QR Code and tracking the scans in real-time.

Therefore, Dynamic QR Codes are effectively incorporated into marketing campaigns to make them more fun and engaging. Besides, they can help marketers analyze how the audience perceives certain types of content by providing data regarding successful and underperforming campaigns.

Can Static QR Codes Be Edited Or Redirected To A New URL?

Unfortunately, you cannot modify a Static QR Code once you’ve finalized it. So, if you want your QR Code to redirect to a new URL, you’d have to generate a new QR Code. This is why we recommend you use a Dynamic QR Code solution.

How Do Dynamic QR  Codes Work?

A unique feature of Dynamic QR Codes is that you can edit and update their content even after printing them. This leaves room for future editing based on how well the content is performing or if you want to update your QR Code solution later on. 

So, how does it all work?

Essentially, a Dynamic and Static QR Code functions in the same way: by linking to a destination URL. But, here’s how they differ:

Static QR Code: the destination link (URL) is directly embedded into QR Code and therefore cannot be edited. 

Dynamic QR Code: a redirecting short URL is placed into QR Code, which seamlessly links to the destination URL. The destination URL is the part you can edit, while the short link remains static. 

So suppose you were to generate a QR Code for your website xyz.com, using Static QR Code. In this case, the QR Code would directly encode the URL https://xyz.com/. Whereas, if you were to encode the same website to a Dynamic QR Code, it would create a short link such as https://example.com/link that redirects towards the main site https://xyz.com/.

The site URL https://xyz.com/ is the one you can make changes to. 

Can QR Code’s Internal Content Be Edited?

You can only edit a QR Code’s internal content if you’re using a Dynamic QR Code. This content includes images, videos, audio, social media links, geolocations, etc.

The QR Code editing feature is not available in the Static QR Codes. Therefore, you cannot modify, update, or track their content once finalized. 

Can You Edit A QR  Code’s External Design?

Yes, it is possible to edit the QR Code’s external design for both Static and Dynamic QR Codes. This means that you can customize your codes with different colors, designs, and logos as you please. This leads us to our next question: What happens if a QR Code appearance changes?

What Happens When The QR  Code Appearance Is Changed?

When you change the appearance of a QR Code (color, fonts, frame), its content remains the same while the look of the code changes. However, it’s noteworthy that external editing is not possible for a QR Code that’s already printed.

So, say you printed your QR Code in the magazine as a part of your ad campaign. And, later on, if you decide to change the color, theme, or logo on QR Code, it won’t be possible. But, in case you decided to print another batch of the same QR Code with a different external design, it would still direct the users to the same content.

Can QR  Code Tracking Data Be Updated?

Yes, this is yet another great feature of Dynamic QR Codes. You can track real-time scan information and reset the track record for specific QR Codes to see how well they did after you made specific changes. This feature is especially useful for marketers to find out the type of content that generates the best customer response.

What Are The Benefits Of Using A Dynamic QR  Code?

Using a Dynamic QR Code has plenty of benefits. We’ve listed a few of them here.

  1. Track real-time analytics

Find out which of your QR Codes were scanned more, the geographic areas they did particularly well in, and the number of organic and total scans they received. 

  1. Pause or discontinue 

Say that you launch a limited-time offer and want the QR Code to expire after a certain period of time. Dynamic QR Codes would help you delete the contents.  

  1. Edit Landing Pages 

Change the content that your QR Code directs towards as you desire. If you want to link your QR Code to your Facebook rather than your Instagram, just update the social media link. 

How Do I Make An Editable QR Code?

To make editable QR Codes, you need a Dynamic QR Code Generator. Unitag offers a Dynamic QR Code generator when you subscribe to the Live QR package. Live subscription allows you to create customized Dynamic QR Codes, access real-time analytics, and target redirections.

Subscribe to Unitag’s Standard QR now and make your marketing campaigns more fun and engaging.