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The past few decades have seen a tremendous leap in the capability of computers. We have come so far as to have fully-fledged desktop experiences that can run off smartphones. Even our watches can now do so much more than simply telling the time.

The ubiquity and accessibility of smart devices and wearables means that we are in a world that is becoming more and more connected by the minute. All this growth presents businesses with new avenues that were previously impossible.

One such opportunity is that afforded by smart packaging. Nearly everyone is carrying a QR code scanner, an RFID reader, or both in their pocket in the form of their smartphone. This opens up so many opportunities.

While putting a QR code on the packaging doesn’t seem like that big of a deal, it can stand to benefit both the customer and the business in several ways. Here are a few reasons you might want to look at smart packaging as a serious option.


Let’s be honest. Packaging has only a finite amount of space. That space also depends on how heavily regulated the product is. Most products’ packaging is covered all over by information such as nutrition tables and other legal requirements. 

Either that or all this information is put into a corner in as small a font as the company can get away with. The result is either gaudy packaging overfilled with information or beautiful packaging on which important information is just too hard to read.

Smart packaging gives you a way to break this deadlock. Moving some of the information off of the packaging itself and to a webpage accessible with something as small as a QR code can free up some real estate for you to get creative.

Not just that, the information given on such a webpage can be more detailed as the physical space of the packaging does not limit you.


As we have already said, technology is progressing rapidly. The downside of this is that counterfeiters can copy traditional packaging more efficiently and with uncanny accuracy. This means that they can make a quick buck at the expense of your brand image. 

What they cannot reproduce, however, is smart elements like RFID tags or proprietary QR codes.

Adding a QR code that authenticates your product or an RFID tag that can be scanned to ascertain that the product is genuine can help you ensure your customers can easily spot a copycat or a fake product.

This gives you and your paying customer peace of mind that the product is authentic. This trust translates into more sales as the customer will feel safer buying your product, knowing that they will get what they pay for.


Smart packaging isn’t just for the customer, though. It is also an invaluable tool in your marketing arsenal.

Smart elements on your product’s packaging can help you gather data about your product’s reception in the market. You can set up the QR code that displays product information so that every time it is scanned, the system logs the interaction.

The analytics collected from customers’ interaction with smart packaging can be invaluable for your business. You can easily see which product is getting high or low attention from the customers. 

The data can also analyze things like seasonal fluctuations in sales. It can even give you insights on what sells and where you can cut your losses. 


Smart packaging gives you the opportunity to interact with your customer in a more direct and meaningful manner. You can extend this interaction beyond the mere provision of the legally required information.

Smart packaging can be used to provide the customer with added information that you think they will need. For example, if the product contains a new ingredient that the customer would likely not know about, you can provide more information through a smart element.

You can use these QR codes to direct a customer to valuable things like the user manual for your product or even to a help and support portal for your company where they can ask questions.

All this can give you a distinct competitive edge over the competition and increase the likelihood of repeat customers as they’ll feel valued and love your product for how easily it provides valuable information.


We live in an increasingly socially conscious world. Today’s customer is much more discerning than those of days past. Most customers want to know what goes into the products they buy and how the raw material was sourced.

One way for you to increase the transparency and, by extension, the appeal of your brand is to provide the customers with this information efficiently. Smart packaging is one sure-fire way to get this information out to your customers.

You can include smart elements that provide the customer with information regarding the sourcing and origin of the product or about the manufacturing practices at your company. This added peace of mind will mean that your customer will have a guilt-free experience buying your product and help your odds of gaining customer loyalty.


So, to sum it all up. Smart packaging is a powerful tool to have in your arsenal. It can help you better know your customers’ needs and wants. 

It can also help you reach beyond the usually limited interaction that traditional packaging offers. You can interest, inform, and even entertain your customer through smart packaging. This improved overall experience that the customer has with your brand and product can translate into a boost in your sales and repeated business. After all, a happy customer is a loyal customer. And customer loyalty is what every company wants. Right?

Visit: Unitag.io for more information